Thursday 20 October 2011

Welcome to my Blog

Well here I am on my sparkly new website. I have a lot to learn, but I'm hoping that this will eventually replace what I'm doing on Facebook ~ although I'll still use Facebook as well. I've wanted my own website for a long time ~ something over which I have more control, but I've never known how to make one.

So this should be a lot of fun! What I want to achieve here is a place where I can blog my creations with photos, and hopefully in the near future, video tutorials! My aim is to be able to answer everyone's questions and give hints and tips on building houses on The Sims 3, as well as advice on any aspect of the game. If I don't know the answer, I'll either find out, or re-direct you to someone who does!

So now that the preliminaries are out the way ~ let the show begin.....


  1. Hi, It's Kiko from kiko's zone, looking forward to your future creations, I also wanted a place of my own :) I have learned a few things that could help you work on your blog, I sent you an invitation on Facebook, we'll talk more there :)

  2. Sounds great! I look forward to comparing notes :)
